Granite Research produces and distributes investment research analysis on publicly traded companies designed for institutional investors. We perform in-depth research and analysis to identify investment opportunities and catalysts that we expect to generate shareholder value. Research reports and analyses are designed to provide professional investors with the information they expect in order to make informed investment decisions. Companies under our research coverage are typically underfollowed and undervalued but have established economic niches and attractive competitive positions. Our research focuses on the enterprise’s underlying fundamental characteristics and long-term value rather than short-term earnings forecasts.
Granite Research’s analysts are experienced financial professionals who understand the need for objective research and have adopted written ethical standards for independence and mitigating conflicts of interest. Granite Research’s employees and independent contractors do not perform investor relations, investment banking, or consulting services for companies they are contracted to conduct research, which can drive ancillary fees and potentially impact objectivity.

Rob McGuire is a generalist responsible for analytical coverage of companies across all sectors for Granite Research. He is a 25+ year Wall Street veteran and has established himself as an analyst-salesman, working with institutional investors covering industrials, materials, technology, consumer, healthcare, REITs, energy, and utilities. Nineteen years of Mr. McGuire’s tenure were spent at Keybanc Equity Capital Markets, a division of Keybank, a top-20 bank in the United States based in Cleveland, OH. While at Keybanc, Mr. McGuire was a member of the Equity Capital Markets management team, ran a team of six people, and led the buildout of the firm’s West Coast institutional sales effort. He developed the Morning Call Summary for the firm, which he and his team produced daily for use by salespeople throughout the country. Mr. McGuire also has a strong history of authoring in-depth investment theses and delivering idea flow to equity fund managers. His experience also includes working for Vertical Research Partners, LLC, the premier boutique independent research firm focusing on industrials and basic materials. Prior to working on Wall Street, Mr. McGuire worked for Emery Worldwide, the nation’s largest heavyweight air freight carrier. Mr. McGuire received a Masters in Business Administration in finance and a Bachelor of Arts in international business from Loyola Marymount University.